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Airspaces, Weather, Cloud Clearances

A helpful 2 pages summarizing the distinguishing characteristics of A, B, C, D, E, and G airspaces, and weather minimums, and cloud clearances (2 rules and 3 exceptions).

ICAO Alphabet

I was once at the Olympia, WA airport (OLM) and had just exited the runway and wanted ground taxi instructions to the terminal. I called ground control, "Olympia ground, Cessna 6509 Lima". Ground responded, "Cessna 6509 Lima, Olympia ground, go ahead." I made my request, "Olympia ground, Cessna 6509 Lima at taxiway ..." I looked at the taxiway sign. It was a big yellow W on a black background with yellow border. " ... at taxiway, ah ...". I was racking my brain for the ICAO name for W. " ... ah ... at taxiway ...". I gritted my teeth and said, "... double you ...". The ground controller could not keep the chuckle out of his voice. "Cessna 6509 Lima, I have you at taxiway ... WHISKEY."

That is why this list is here.

Piper Warrior Checklists

These checkists are in MSWord format and can be printed, folded in half, and laminated or stuck inside a plastic page protector.

Preflight through Engine Start

Covers the Preflight check up through starting the engine under various conditions.

Ground Check through takeoff & landing

Covers the V-speeds engine running ground check, run up, various take offs, descent, approach and landing phases.

Emergency procedures

Emergency procedures directly from the POH.

Density Altitude, Takeoff Distance, Rate of Climb Calculator

This is an Excel based spreadsheet to calculate density altitude, and, based on your plane's sea level takeoff distance and rate of climb, calculates both at density altitude. The spreadsheet calculations are based on the famous and now lost Airman Mike's Density Altitude Page.

Flight Log

This Excel based Flight Log is based on the Jeppensen hardcopy log. The LOG sheet is just like the Jeppensen hardcopy. It has "pages" with the same capacity as the hardcopy. You will need to keep copying the last blank page to add more capacity. The LOG.v2 sheet is a linear list of the identical columns as on the LOG sheet, but without pagination. The totals are kept at the top. Sheets are included for BFR, Medical, Landings, Oil, Maintenance, Compression, and Endorsements. Obviously, signatures are not captured, but at least you will have a record should your paper logbook be destroyed.

Navigation Log v2.6

Navigation Log Help File

This Excel based Navigation log workbook has worksheets for course, weather log, climb performance, weight & balance calculations, manuvering speed (Va) calculation, and stall speeds (Vs0, Vs1) calculation. These calculations are all easily customizable for your particular plane. The Help file is also included as the 12th sheet of the workbook.

My lawyer demands that I include a disclaimer on the use of this Navigation Log. This log is presented "as is" and no claims are made for its accuracy or safety. Use it at your own risk.

Course sheet has Checkpoints, Altitude, Wind Calculations, TC, TH, MH, CH, Distance, Ground Speed, ETA, Fuel consumption, Airport and ATIS/AWOS/ASOS information.

I copy the leg sheet for each leg that ends in a landing. For example on a recent flight I had 5 Navigation Log sheets in the workbook, S43-CLM, CLM-11S, 11S-UIL, UIL-HQM,HQM-S43.

The shaded cells are calculated for you. The sheets are protected, but there is no password, so you can unprotect them and change them.

Here is a Navigation Log Example from a previous version of the Log, but still applicable.

Some things of note from the first sheet, S43-CLM. The Weight and CG Pos. are calculated on the W&B sheet and displayed here. Va, Vs0, and Vs1 are calculated on the Va and Vs sheets and entered here. The T/O Climb values are calculated from the climb chart to make the first altitude. The Leg-climb is actually Leg "minus" Climb, meaning the level flight portion of the flight from the takeoff checkpoint to the second checkpoint. If you can't make the intended altitude with your plane's performance (CAS and Climb performance) these values will be negative.

Note that the Total Fuel value on subsequent logs is inherited from the log before. This is not automatic - you must remember to do this by hand.

There a couple of Hobbs fields, one for in and on for out. There are places to write the ATC Frequencies and the transponder codes.

Check the 11S-UIL sheet and you will see F 151 and T 326 under the UIL Checkpoint. Note also the TOU and HQM VOR entries. F 151 is the VOR radial FROM the TOU VOR, and T 326 is the VOR radial TO the HQM VOR. Just a hint on how you might use your log.

The table on the Climb sheet must be filled in with the data for your plane. Generally this data is available in your POH. If you change the dimensions of the table, that is, add or subtract rows, you will need to adjust the range of the LOOKUP function for the T/O Climb cells.

The W&B table will need to be adjusted for your own plane. The chart, which is simply a visual aid will also need to be adjusted, deleted, or ignored.

The Va and Vs sheets will also need to be adjusted for your plane. Generally this data is available in your POH. The POH for my Warrior has Va and Vs charts. A linear approximation to my POH charts was close enough.

Oil Analyses Trending Spreadsheet

The raw numbers from an oil analysis laboratory report can be misleading if the hours on the oil are not taken into account. It is self-evident that the level of wear metals in the oil will increase with the time the oil is run in the engine, yet the values reported in an oil analysis are not normalized. This makes it difficult to judge the impact of differences from oil change to oil change, and makes it difficult to plot trending over time for an engine. For example:

At first look it may appear that the #2 Al level came back slightly high, but if you normalize both values to, say, 50 hours, you find that there was no change in Al levels between oil changes: The associated spreadsheet both normalizes and trends oil analyses over time. The REAL value of the sheet is the trending graphs. The sheet is based on the Blackstone analysis report and lists the elements and characteristics in the order found in their report. If you use a different service, some of the values may differ in nomenclature and certainly order. Just be careful entering your data.