Demonick's Kayak Fishing Pages: Hobie Mirage Revolution Battery Installation

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For the general features, advantages, and disadvantages of the Hobie Mirage Revolution see the general features page.

Battery installation

In order to power a Fishfinder/GPS/Charting unit (FF/GPS) one needs power, i.e., a battery. The marine grade power plug installation was described elsewhere on this website. Battery location, waterproofing, power plug location, and transducer installation will be described.


  1. The idea to use a Hobie Gear Bucket was not mine. It was stolen. The origins remain shrouded in mystery. In any case the idea is to use the rear hatch with a gear bucket to contain the battery. The gear buckets are "Tupperware" like with snap down lids (not pictured). The below photo shows an unmodified bucket on the right and the modified one with the battery installed on the left. Note that center section of the lower cross member has been removed, as well as the insert channels on the upper cross member. This is easily accomplished with a dremel and sharp knife. Also note that where the power cable crosses a cross member the cross member has been notched. This is to allow the lid to fit snugly and flat. Gray foam has been stuffed in the gaps between bucket and battery and bucket and cable to secure both.

  2. The below photo is the gear bucket from the front. Note the cable notch and the cable hanger to prevent undue stress on the cable.

  3. The below photo is of the finished battery gear bucket in the open rear hatch. The bucket lid should be attached before the hatch is closed for use.