Flying photos of Passengers 1

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These brave and intrepid souls have exhibited the utmost trust in occupying the right hand seat in N2175N while piloted by yours truely. Some even came back for more. Go figure ...
Gregg KrogstadJary & DonAndrewJ
DenC & J & PSRTS

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Gregg Krogstad - April 2003. Gregg is pretty much responsible for starting me flying. He got his PPL about 2 years before I did, then bought the plane and forced me to buy half of it. Now we are plane partners. We go way back, like 30 years, when we were carpenters on the same crew. Do I have some stories! Falling off 2 roofs. Ethiopia and the stripper. Red Dog construction. I remember the birth and college graduation of his daughter. Gregg is one of my favorite people and I am lucky to be able to call him a friend. He makes a living as a photographer, so check out his website.
This is Jary. 2003-07-03. Jary was my very first passenger two days after passing my checkride, in a Cessna 152. In all other respects he is a very smart guy. Jary created a very successful corporate consulting firm, StratusG Consulting. Check out his website.

This flight was not our first, but about our third. Jary's Dad lives in Salem, OR and he hadn't seen him for a while. I have a soft spot for guys and their Dad's, so we headed down to Salem's McNary Field and had lunch with Don. Don, too, is a very smart guy, and I was glad to meet him and have a pleasant lunch in the summer sun. This photo was taken just before we left Salem on our way back.

This is Andrew, a long time friend and co-worker. 2003-01-18. He is one of the most thoughtful people I have ever known, also a great cook and fine graphic artist. He is single and a fine catch for a fine lady.

On this day we flew the mountain loop highway with landings at Darrington (1S2), Concrete (3W5), and Friday Harbor (FHR). It was a beautiful winter day in the Great Pacific Northwest. This was taken at about 3PM just before we hopped in the plane and hightailed it back to Harvey to beat sunset at 4PM. Winter days are short here at 47 North latitude.

This is Joyce, my honey. Quite the babe. She heard all of my training stories and training foibles, yet still got in the plane, though it did take over a year. That's love! We've survived a lot together, and some flying.

This flight, 27 April 2003, we toured the Skagit Valley Tulip Fields, though they had been cut for the year. I took some pics a couple of weeks earlier. They are on the scenery pages. After the Skagit we headed to Orcas Island Airport (ORS), landed and walked to Eastsound for lunch - a very therapeutic day.

Dennis at Pemberton, BC on 2003-07-26. Dennis and I have been buds since high school, that is 1969. Dennis was my second passenger on the same day as Jary, two days after getting my PPL. This flight was my first flight into Canada and all the border crossing issues that involves. Obviously, it was a beautiful day. We traveled up Harrison Lake, traversed a short stretch of mountain valleys, then up Lake Lillooet, to Pemberton. Pemberton is about 20 miles north of Whistler, BC. This flight was a practice run for the next week's flight to get Joyce and I to Whistler for a much deserved week's vacation. We had a great time. Maybe I'll post a photo or two of Joyce on the trapeze.
Three dear friends shortly after arrival in Gleneden, OR, Siletz Bay State Airport, S45 14 August 2003. From left to right, Caterina, Joyce, and Patrick. The flight down the WA and OR coast was stunning. Dinner at Salishan Lodge was wonderful, as were the Lodge's overnight accomodations. The flight the next day was less so. Weathered in until mid-afternoon. Then a hop for gas to Newport, ONP, then over the coast range past Hillboro, to get stopped by weather north of Scappoose Industrial Airpark, SPB. Went back and stayed the night in the Red Lion across from the Hillsboro Airport. And lucky we did, as the next day, across the street from the Red Lion was the 2003 National Pit Bull show. Amazing dogs, the smaller of which can drag 5000 lbs on a wheeled cart down a short track. We were also treated to a 5 second pit bull fight at 1:35 AM in the hall outside our room - growl, bark, growl, snarl, snarl, then YIPE! YIPE! YIPE! Followed by 10 minutes of a delightful woman screaming flowery language at kids, dogs, and husband.
October 2004, at the Harvey hangar wih S. She had some flight training years ago even before I started mine. She decided to become a real estate mogul and dog trainer instead. It was a joyride, and we snapped some corn maze photos.
T, is a commercial aviation slut. Ask him anything about any commercial airliner and he will know the answer. He even knows the flight schedules out of SEA, so when they fly over his country estate, he looks at his watch and says, "UPS is 18 minutes late". He had a business meeting in Spokane, WA on his birthday, I had a hankerin' for some flight time, and the weather was fine in July 2004. I picked him up at Felt's Field, SFF, in Spokane and we flew back to the wet side and landed at Crest Airpark, S36, where his lovely wife was nervously awaiting. With the delays now encumbent upon commercial aviation, he arrived home just about the same time he would have if he had flown 4 times as fast and 4 times as high.
A & C outside Lana's Hangar Cafe at HQM, Bowerman Airport at Hoquiam, WA on 07 September 2008. This flight was 5 years late, and I apologize. Nevertheless it was a fine day to fly and the landings were not too bad.